Central Lechera Asturiana, S.A.T. nº 471 de Responsabilidad Limitada, (hereinaft CLAS SAT) with Tax Number F-33012915 and whose registered office is at Sierra de Granda s/n, C.P. 33199 Granda – Siero, Asturias, is the owner of the website you are visiting and is also the Data Controller of the data collected through this website.

CLAS SAT is entered in the Registration Book of the General Agrarian Transformation Companies, both at national level, in folio 71 of volume 3, 1st entry, of 24 May 1982; and in the Asturias Trade Registry, in Volume 3881, Folio 23, Page AS-19289.

This Data Protection Policy provides information on the use that CLAS SAT will make of your personal data as a user of the website (the Website); the policy seeks to inform you of your rights pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Personal Data Protection and Digital Rights Guarantee Act 3/2018, of 5 December).

Identification and Contact Details of the Data Controller.

Identity: Central Lechera Asturiana, S.A.T. nº 471 de Responsabilidad Limitada.

Registered Office: Sierra de Granda, s/n, CP 33199, Siero-Asturias.

Telephone: +34 985 10 11 00.

Purpose for which the users’ data are processed

Personal data shall be used for the purpose of:

  1. Managing the relationship with the partners of the Entity, in all its areas and for all purposes, as well as with third parties that act on their own behalf or representing the partners, or contacting the company for those purposes.
  2. Managing the services offered by CLAS SAT, which merely by way of example include:
  • Managing the farmer care services offered by the company and/or required by the partners from the website.
  • Managing access and sending communications in the spaces of exclusive access for livestock farmers, by means of the use of an exclusive “login” and “password” of each producer.
  • Managing queries/requests made by the partners.
  1. Advertising, promotional and commercial communications regarding own products and services; contact, and management and answering requests made by website users, when they have given their consent.

Facilitating the information requested or any other that the Entity may require in the future is totally optional; however, refusing to provide certain data may make it impossible to manage the existing corporate relationship.

Legitimacy of processing

The legal basis for the purposes described in letter a) and b), along with any other similar to them, is based on the execution of the rights and obligations arising from the existing contractual relationship and/or the partner status of the interested party.

The legal basis for sending commercial communications reflect in Section c) is based on the consent given by the user.

Storage periods

The storage periods for the data provided through the web forms are as follows:

  • In the case of service provision: As long as the contractual and/or corporate relationship lasts and, in any case, during the legally established terms to comply with the responsibilities arising from the Articles of Association of the Company, of Royal Decree 1776/1981, of 3 August, regulating the Agrarian Transformation Companies, of the Information Society Services Act and other applicable legislation.

In the case of accepting the sending of commercial communications: During the legally established terms to comply with the responsibilities arising from the applicable legislation, unless the data subject requests the suppression of the data.

Updated and necessary information

All the fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the website forms must be completed, meaning the omission of any of them may make it impossible to provide the service requested or provide the information of interest.

Users shall provide accurate information, so that the information facilitated is always up-to-date, and must always ensure they are up-to-date in the case of being registered in the website, requesting services, etc.

By “clicking” on the “Accept”, “Register” or “Send” (or equivalent) button incorporated in the forms to be complete, as applicable, you as the User declare that the information and data being facilitate are accurate and true.


Minors may not use the services available through the website, without the prior authorisation of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who shall be solely responsible for all the acts carried out through the website for the minors in their charge, including completing forms with the personal data of the minors and ticking, as applicable, the accompanying boxes.

Security measures that we apply

CLAS SAT, in response to its concern to ensure the security and confidentiality of your data, has adopated the security levels required to protect personal data and has installed the mechnical measures at its disposal to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and robbery of the personal data provided through the website.

In any event, you must remember that online security measures are not impregnable.

To whom the data are communicated

The data users provide may be transferred to the group’s subsidiaries and investee companies for management and administrative purposes, with legitimate interest as the basis for such communication. You can check which companies are part of the group at http://www.clasat.es/empresas-participadas.asp.

The data shall be treated as confidential and may only be assigned to third parties, private and/or public entities for the correct development of the services requested and/or arising from the user being a partner, provided that the requirements established in current Personal Data Protection legislation are met. Apart from that case, they shall not be disclosed to third parties – private and/or public entities – unless the data subject has given their consent or there is a legal obligation to do so.

International transfers of data to third parties or organisation are not envisaged.

CLAS SAT uses Microsoft Office 365, as email customer, file storage and project management. Microsoft uses the Privacy Shield, which provides adequate levels of personal data protection.

Rights that users may exercise

Data subjects may, at any time, object to receiving communications and the processing of their data for any of the purposes included in this policy by writing to rgpd@clas.es or exercising their rights regarding Central Lechera Asturiana S.A.T Nº 471 de Resp. Ltda., by means of writing to Sierra de Granda, s/n, CP 33199, Siero-Asturias, and indicating “Ref. Data Protection” in the subject line, stating the right being exercised and attaching a copy of the ID of the data subject.

Users may exercise the following rights free of charge:

  • Obtain confirmation as to whether CLAS SAT is processing your personal data.
  • Access your personal data, as well as request modification of inaccurate data or, if applicable, request deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • Request in certain circumstances: (i) limitation on processing of your data, in which case they will only be kept by CLAS SAT for exercising or defending claims; and (ii) Opposition to processing your data, in which case CLAS SAT will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or exercising or defending possible claims.
  • To exercise the right of portability. You have the right to receive the personal data that concern you, that you have provided to CAPSA, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to send the data to another data controller without being prevented from doing so by CAPSA, when the processing is based on consent and is automated.

If they consider that their data have not been processed appropriately, the data subject may file a claim with Central Lechera Asturiana S.A.T., by writing to the above email or postal address, which will have a maximum period of two months to settle the claim.

However, if you do not consider that your rights have been duly met, they may file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency – Address: C/Jorge Juan, 6 – 28001 MADRID   – Electronic office: sedeagpd.gob.es.